Top New Year’s Resolutions For Students

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2019 has begun and with it comes the ‘business end’ of the academic year! So what resolutions are you making this New Year?!


As we say goodbye to 2018 and look forward to the impending start of term (and exams – eeek), maybe it’s time to think about what you could do a little better (or just differently) in 2019 to make student life just that little bit easier.


New Year’s Resolution No. 1 – Spend Less



This resolution is bound to be at the top of many people’s lists for 2019, and not just students! As the cost of living continues to rise, we all need to be a little more careful with our money and look after those pennies a little better.

But worry not, it doesn’t take much to tighten your spending belt — you’d be surprised what a few small changes can make to the health of your bank account!

Things like shopping around for the best deals on your weekly supermarket shop, setting yourself a realistic budget for nights out (and not taking your bank card out with you), and walking more instead of taking public transport can all have a positive effect on your bank balance.


New Year’s Resolution No. 2 – Make Healthier Choices



Resolutions to ‘lose weight’ or ‘eat healthier’ are always top of the charts at New Year, but many people fail to follow through on these resolutions as they set their targets too high or ask too much of themselves.

Trying to take on too many changes all at once is a great way of setting yourself up for failure.

Instead, why not make a resolution to try and make healthier choices in general? So, when there’s the option of the stairs or the escalator, choose the stairs; if you’re offered fries or vegetables with your meal, take the veg; and when you’re considering one more pint before you head home, why not make it water instead and avoid the hangover?!


New Year’s Resolution No. 3 – Be More Organised



As the start of term rolls around it’ll start to dawn on a lot of you that your workload is going to ramp up. The second half of the year is often busier, so it’s important that you get yourself organised and prepared for what’s to come so you’re not left frazzled at the end of term!

Some simple tips:

  • Get yourself a decent planner and mark your deadlines and exam dates so you know what’s coming and when you’re going to be busy
  • Make sure you’ve done the recommended reading before lectures (instead of trying to frantically catch up afterwards)
  • Set aside some weekly ‘admin’ time for writing up notes, planning and revision


New Year’s Resolution No. 4 – Procrastinate Less



Ok, we know procrastination is a favourite hobby for many students (who hasn’t cleaned their entire student house from top to bottom when they’ve got an assignment due the next day?!), but learning when to stick a pin in it and knuckle down is a resolution that every student should really try and make.

Making a concerted effort to procrastinate less and stick to your planned work schedule will save you a lot of stress in the long run (even if the cleanliness of your room ends up suffering for it!)


New Year’s Resolution No. 5 – Enjoy The Experience!



Not all resolutions have to be about sacrifice for the greater good!

Sure, making healthier lifestyle choices, spending less, and being more organised with your workload are sound resolutions but remembering to enjoy the ride and allowing yourself to be immersed in the whole university experience is important too!

So, don’t forget to let your hair down; choose the fries every now and again; join that obscure new radical knitting club; hang out with the ultimate frisbee team, and enjoy every minute of it, ‘cus these really are the best days of your life… So, get out there and enjoy them!

Make finding your perfect student home your top New Year’s Resolution in 2019. Check out our available houses for the 2019/20 academic year now and get in touch today to book a viewing before all the good ones are gone!


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