Loughborough Freshers
So you are heading off to Loughborough University and are probably wondering what to expect. Freshers Week is the ultimate introduction to student life and is the perfect way to start your university journey. To help you prepare for everything that freshers will throw at you, we have put together this list of handy guides and articles to help you survive Freshers Week and make the most of the experience.
Loughborough Students' Union
A great place to start is Loughborough Students' Union's website which is full of news and exciting freshers events on its freshers page. In addition, be sure to join the LSU's Facebook group where you can meet new friends before heading off to Loughborough University. Once you have arrived in Loughborough, you will find the Loughborough Students' Union on Ashby Road, which is also the same street where our offices are located.
Once You Have Arrived
Once you have arrived at Loughborough University you (and your parents) might feel slightly overwhelmed. Thankfully, Loughborough University has a team of fresher helpers that will help you with moving into halls, finding your way around and generally helping you settle in. This is also a great chance to get some answers to any FAQs that you might have, as well as meeting some of the people that you will be living with over the next year.
Use Social Media
Everything from Loughborough University, the Students' Union and even Loughborough Freshers Week have their own social media pages that you should join. Not only is it a great way to meet other first years and make new friends, but it is also a great way to keep up to date on the variety of freshers’ events happening across Loughborough.
Loughborough Freshers Articles:

A Useful Guide to Viewing Student Houses
Get on top of the things you need to look out for when choosing your student accommodation and ensure you bag the perfect student house for next year, with our Useful Guide to Viewing Student Houses.

7 Ways to Deal with Homesickness at University
No matter how amped you are about being at uni, chances are you’ll still get hit by sudden bouts of homesickness from time to time.

Freshers – Student Fancy Dress on a Budget
Freshers! Check out our top tips for nailing your student fancy dress outfit, whatever the theme, without breaking the bank.

Mental Health at University: The Facts and Figures
Discover the facts and figures behind mental health at university.

The Ultimate Student’s Guide To Loughborough Town
Moving to a new town can be exciting but it can also be pretty stressful trying to get your bearings in a new place, especially if it’s the first time you’ve moved somewhere new.

Surviving Freshers Week – 5 Things You Need To Know
Freshers Week is the ultimate introduction to student life when you begin your university journey. Here are 5 things to help get you through in one piece!

So You Got Into Loughborough University – Now What?!
A-Level results are out and you’re in! Next stop Loughborough uni…
All the hard work, commitment and revision have paid off. You’ve made it. You’re officially a university student… So now what?!

How Far Does Your Student Loan Stretch?
When it comes to University, managing your money is probably the most important thing you’ll need to learn (aside from your degree, of course). So, we’ve put together this infographic in order to provide you with all the information you could possibly need to make it through another year of University without going broke.

7 Common House Hunting Pitfalls Every Student Should Avoid
Bag the perfect house for next year with the minimal amount of stress by avoiding these seven common student house hunting mistakes!

What Is The Loughborough Golden Triangle?
If you’re looking for a student house in Loughborough then there are just three rules — location, location, location. At Loughborough uni, location means an area known as the Golden Triangle.