Articles tagged ‘budgeting’

Top 10 Food Blogs For Cheap Student Meals
We’ve scoured the web to bring you the 40 best food blogs for students on a tight budget. Whether you’re looking for tips on cooking and eating as cheaply as possible, general tips for living a frugal life, or blogs that will help you to really up your game in the kitchen, you’ll find it all here in this definitive list.

How Far Does Your Student Loan Stretch?
When it comes to University, managing your money is probably the most important thing you’ll need to learn (aside from your degree, of course). So, we’ve put together this infographic in order to provide you with all the information you could possibly need to make it through another year of University without going broke.

5 Tips To Help You Nail Mother’s Day Without Breaking The Bank
Mother’s Day is just around the corner (Sunday 11th March), so here are a few little tips to help you win the favourite child award this year!

Win A £50 Amazon Gift Voucher With Andrew Chell Student Homes
In the spirit of Christmas, a time for giving, we’re offering students the chance to ease that Christmas spend burden by giving away a £50 amazon gift voucher!

Top Tips for Food Shopping on a Student Budget
When it comes to cutting back on your spending, your food shop isn’t really something that can be skipped or sacrificed—sorry, but we all gotta eat! But that doesn’t mean that your weekly budget should be blown on the food shop either. With a few little adjustments, some planning, and a bit of savvy shopping you could save yourself a packet on your grocery spend.