Switch Off, Lock Up – Keeping Your Student Accommodation Safe This Christmas

student accommodation loughborough

Before you head home for Christmas make sure you switch off, unplug, and lock up to keep your student accommodation safe and secure over the holidays.


Well, it’s here, the end of 2018 and the start of the Christmas break!


I’m sure most of you are excited about some much needed down time (or party time) this Christmas, but before you head off to eat allllll the Christmas food your parents have bought (and you definitely shouldn’t be eating because ‘it’s for Christmas’) take a moment to make sure you’re leaving your student house or flat in a safe and secure state.


Switch Off And Unplug



Don’t leave your TV on standby for 3 weeks!

According to the Energy Saving Trust, 9-16% of electricity consumed in homes is used to power appliances when they are in standby mode. Not only is this bad for the environment, it’s also bad for your bank balance!

Make sure you switch off and unplug anything that won’t be in use over the Christmas break (no, that doesn’t mean the fridge/freezer!)

But TVs, microwaves, computer monitors, printers and alarm clocks are all common culprits that are left in standby mode as the norm. Make an extra effort to switch those bad boys off at the plug before you head home.


Secure Valuables Or Take Them Home With You



Try not to leave any valuables in your student accommodation over the Christmas break.

It’s likely that you’ll automatically take most of your high-value items home with you, stuff like your mobile phone and laptop, but make sure you consider anything else of value that you might be leaving behind.

If you have jewellery or games consoles at uni, make sure you store them securely or hide them out of sight.


Turn Off The Lights



We like to think that most of you will remember to turn off all the lights in your student accommodation before you head home for Christmas, but it doesn’t hurt to mention it!


Close And Secure The Windows



Make sure all the windows are closed (and locked if you have window keys) before you leave.

TOP TIP: Double check the bathroom window as this tends to be a common one that is missed, especially if one of your housemates has opened it to get rid of steam after their shower and not told anyone else!


Turn Off The Heating



If everyone is leaving for the holidays, make sure you turn off your heating or put it into holiday mode.

If you use your heating on a timer, reprogramme it to stay at a low temperature for the duration of your Christmas break and have it come back on for the day you return, so your house or flat isn’t freezing when you arrive!


Finally, Lock Up And Go home!



Last but not least, make sure you check your front AND back doors are securely locked before you leave!

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


If you’re going to be thinking about your student accommodation for next year over the Christmas holidays, make sure you check out our range of awesome student houses and book in some viewings for when you return in January to avoid the New Year rush!

Andrew Chell Signature

Andrew Chell can be contacted as follows:

Phone: 01509 552814
Mobile:07769 684800
Email: [email protected]

Office: 66 Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3AE