So You Got Into Loughborough University – Now What?!

A-Level results are out and you’re in! Next stop Loughborough uni…
First of all congratulations! All the hard work, commitment and revision have paid off. You’ve made it. You’re officially a university student… So now what?!
First Things First
Celebrate your success!
Before you get too het up about planning, packing and moving out of dear old mum and dad’s house, take a moment to celebrate your results and have a good time!
It’s no doubt taken a lot of hard work to get here. Getting into uni is a big deal and the start of a whole new chapter of your life, so take a moment to really appreciate that and have a little fun.
Confirm Your Loughborough Uni Place & Accommodation
Most of you won’t have to do anything to confirm your spot at Loughborough. The university will have had your results for a while, so the process of sending out final confirmation letters with instructions on what to do next will already be underway (in fact you probably received a little something in the post today!)
Once you receive your letter/email from the university, make sure you retrieve your IT credentials as without these you won’t be able to complete the registration process.
Make sure you confirm your accommodation place too. Many of you will be moving into Loughborough Halls of Residence directly on campus.
Each Hall has a specific arrival date that you will need to stick to wherever possible. If you’re unable to arrive on your designated day, you MUST inform the Student Accommodation Centre asap to make sure that your room is held for you. If you don’t, you run the risk of losing your room.
If you’re not moving into Halls, make sure you speak with your Loughborough student accommodation landlord to confirm when you can pick up your keys and move in.
Make A Plan
We’re not talking military precision here, but having a vague idea of what you need to do in the run-up to moving away to uni will really help take the stress out of the whole thing. If you’ve no idea where to begin, Loughborough Uni has created a brilliant Freshers Checklist to help you get started.
Make a timeline of important dates — your moving in date, course registration deadline, the first day of Freshers week, induction schedule, your first day of classes etc.
Once you know what’s happened and when you can start to piece together a plan of action for the coming weeks. Believe me, it’ll come around a lot quicker than you think!
Start Thinking About Packing
Let’s face it, packing is a nightmare. Packing to go away on holiday for two weeks is bad enough, but now you’re faced with packing up your entire LIFE to head off to uni!
But before you pack everything in sight, just have a moment to take stock.
You’re likely moving into Halls of Residence, which is a single bedroom with limited storage space. You’re guna need to be a little strategic about this whole packing thing.
Remember, you’re not moving out completely — you probably don’t need to take your lifetime collection of sports trophies and every single item of clothing you own!
Think about the important, everyday items that you need to live, study and play comfortably and start making a list of things that you need.
Check Your Vaccinations
Ok, so it’s probably not top of your list of exciting prep before you head off to uni, but students aged between 17-25 are strongly recommended to have a Men ACWY vaccination or booster.
Before you panic, you will have most likely had this vaccination when you were little, but it’s now known that this immunity fades over time.
Coming to Loughborough university means you’ll be mixing with lots of new people, from lots of different places, which poses an increased risk of contracting meningitis and septicemia.
Making sure your vaccinations are up to date is vital to ensure you stay fit, healthy and ready to settle in and enjoy your new life at university.
Register With The Loughborough Uni Medical Centre
If there’s one thing we advise you to make sure you DEFINITELY do before you arrive at Loughborough university, it’s register with the campus Medical Centre.
The last thing you need when you’ve been struck down with Freshers Flu (or something worse) in your first month at uni, is to face a long wait to see the nurse because you’re not registered.
It doesn’t take long, find full instructions on how to register on the Loughborough University Medical Centre website.
I guess all that’s left to say is “Welcome to Loughborough!”
Andrew Chell can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 01509 552814
Mobile:07769 684800
Email: [email protected]
Office: 66 Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3AE
Published 15th August 2019
Tags: a-level results, exam results, freshers, halls of residence, life in loughborough, loughborough uni, loughborough university, new students, student living, welcome to loughborough