Livin’ It Lufbra Series – Loughborough Refreshers, You Got This!

Loughborough refreshers

Freshers’ Fortnight might be in full swing but rest assured we haven’t forgotten about all you ‘Refreshers’!!


The first Livin’ It Lufbra of the 2016/17 academic year is dedicated to all the returning Loughborough students out there. It might feel like ‘back to school’ but we reckon there’re more than a few advantages to being a ‘Loughborough Refresher’!


1. You’re An Old Hat At This Now



Firstly, you know the score. You’ve been there, done it and got many many t-shirts along the way!

This can take a huge weight off the first few weeks back to uni and allow you more time to really get stuck into freshers week without worrying about getting lost or attending every single event.


2. You’ve Got A Sweet New Student House



You’re all moved out of halls and into your new awesome student house, probably in the Golden Triangle, and totally loving life!

Moving out of halls into your first proper student house is a great feeling and represents the start of a whole new way of living at uni (with the added bonus of not having to worry about awkward ice breakers with people you don’t know on move in day!)


3. You’ve Got An Awesome Bunch Of Uni Mates



You’ve already done the hard work in year one. Getting out there, meeting new people and forming new friendships can be stressful, especially if you’re naturally a bit of an introvert.

Year two is all about enjoying those friendships that you worked so hard to build when you were a fresher!


4. You’re Part Of The ‘Old Boys/Girls’ Club Now



If you joined any sports clubs or societies in year one (which we’re pretty sure you did) then you’ve now graduated into the ‘old boys/girls’ club.

Time to show those freshers how it’s done at social!


5. You’re Guna Have Another Kick-Ass Year At Loughborough Uni



All in all, we reckon year two at Loughborough uni is even better than year one! So make sure you get out there and enjoy it!


Andrew Chell Signature

Andrew Chell can be contacted as follows:

Phone: 01509 552814
Mobile:07769 684800
Email: [email protected]

Office: 66 Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3AE