Choosing A Landlord…

Renting student accommodation can sometimes be a bit of a headache; even with the relatively recent introduction of new pieces of legislation and tighter regulation, landlords range from rogues to chance investors, to professional operators.
However, you can take the risk out of choosing your property by selecting a landlord that has been accredited through the Decent And Safe Homes Scheme (DASH); this is a voluntary scheme that has been recognised by Charnwood Borough Council and the University.
DASH accredits the landlord rather than the property and DASH staff carry out random property inspections to ensure that properties registered with the scheme meet the legal minimum requirements.
At least 10% of properties are inspected when a landlord initially joins the scheme, though this figure can be far higher in some cases. Properties are then randomly sampled on an on-going basis to ensure that compliance is being maintained.
DASH will also randomly sample tenants, usually through postal questionnaires, to establish whether or not their landlord continues to comply with the scheme’s Code of Management.
Landlords that have come forward to join the scheme have done so on an entirely voluntary basis. They have joined the scheme because they believe they are the best in the business and can be relied upon to make your experience as a tenant as enjoyable as possible. See the DASH website for more information.
I hope this article has helped to make you aware of some of the things you need to consider, but if you would like any help or advice I would be more than happy to answer your queries; drop in at my office for a coffee at any time.
Happy house-hunting!
Andrew Chell can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 01509 552814
Mobile:07769 684800
Email: [email protected]
Office: 66 Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3AE
Published 14th October 2014