Student Living

student accommodation loughborough

Living Off-Campus – What To Expect

Find out what to expect when you move out of halls and into your first proper house share at university.

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University stress busters

UEFA Euro 2016 – The Final 16

Well they made it, England are through to the Round of 16 at the European Championships! Here’s what you need to know ahead of tonight’s game…

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4 Filling Meals To Make When The Cupboards Are Bare

4 Filling Meals To Make When The Cupboards Are Bare

Even if your fridge is completely bare, chances are you’ve still got a few sundries lining the cupboards which means you can probably make at least one of these 4 filling meals.

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Budget weekly food shop ideas

Top Tips for Food Shopping on a Student Budget

When it comes to cutting back on your spending, your food shop isn’t really something that can be skipped or sacrificed—sorry, but we all gotta eat! But that doesn’t mean that your weekly budget should be blown on the food shop either. With a few little adjustments, some planning, and a bit of savvy shopping you could save yourself a packet on your grocery spend.

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Man in a hat grimacing at the camera

How To Unlock Your Inner Calm During Exam Season

January exam season is in full swing and there may be a few of you out there feeling a little stressed. But before you go all incredible hulk on your housemates and friends, take a moment to digest our guide to unlocking your inner calm during exam season…

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Student homes Loughborough

4 Steps To Writing The Perfect CV

Have you started looking at potential jobs for when you graduate university? Or are you stuck on how to put together a good CV so that you have better chances of getting an interview? Putting the perfect CV together can seem like a difficult, long-winded task, but it’s something you can compile bit by bit with a little help! Use this step-to-step guide to work through each aspect of your CV and you’ll have a great looking document.

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Student homes Loughborough

The Best Revision Tips

With the Christmas holiday over and the New Year underway, many students across the country will now begin their preparation for up and coming exams towards the end of the academic year! Worried that time is going to fly by and you won’t have done enough revision?

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smiley faces drawn on four fingers

Deciding Who To Live With In Your Second Year

To avoid stress and heartache, when you are choosing who to live with at university it’s worth considering the following…

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Pile of cardboard boxes against a white background

What To Take To University – A Helpful Checklist

So, you’re getting ready to leave for university and you’re panicking about what to take! Take a deep breath and read through our handy checklist; from bed sheets to memory sticks we’ll make sure you won’t forget a thing.

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Money saving tips for student | Andrew Chell Student Homes

Money Saving Tips Every Student Needs!

Every student needs a helping hand every now and again, especially when it comes to money! Check out our top money saving tips to help you manage your money better now that you’re a student…

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