Student Living

The Student’s Guide to Surviving the Cost of Living Crisis
With the cost of living on the rise in the UK, it would be easy to forget about the impact it may be having on those in higher education. As things such as food and energy bills become more expensive and student loans become even more uneven, the government adjustments still fall well short of what a student needs to not just thrive, but also survive. According to a recent survey from Savanta, over three-quarters of students are “concerned” about how the rising costs may affect the outcome of their time in higher education. Here at Andrew Chell, we have put together this guide to assist students who are concerned about the rising cost of living. With the help of this guide and a few handy tips, students will be able to stave off the worst of the worry by saving money where possible. Budget your Maintenance Loans at The Start of Term One of the best ways to get ahead of any financial troubles is to lay out your finances at the start of the term. By then you will be aware of how much you will be receiving as well as how much will be going […]

How to Nail Christmas on a Student Budget
Get yourself to the top of Santa’s Nice List this Christmas with these thoughtful gift ideas to help you nail Christmas without going broke!

Student Tips: 5 Ways To Stay Warm Without Blasting The Heating
Well, it seems the cold weather is upon us, which means it’s time to get smart with your energy usage!
These tips will help you stay snug as a bug during the cold snap without paying through the nose when the utility bill lands on the mat!

Top 10 Food Blogs For Cheap Student Meals
We’ve scoured the web to bring you the 40 best food blogs for students on a tight budget. Whether you’re looking for tips on cooking and eating as cheaply as possible, general tips for living a frugal life, or blogs that will help you to really up your game in the kitchen, you’ll find it all here in this definitive list.

7 Ways to Deal with Homesickness at University
No matter how amped you are about being at uni, chances are you’ll still get hit by sudden bouts of homesickness from time to time.
![DIY Halloween Costumes for Students blog post featured image [Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash] | Andrew Chell Premier Student Houses Loughborough](
DIY Halloween Costumes For Students
As far as student nights out go, Halloween is pretty much the holy grail of fancy dress. With that in mind, we thought we’d pull together some of our favourite Halloween costume ideas that we’ve seen over the years to help you get prepared.

Top New Year’s Resolutions For Students
2019 has begun and with it comes the ‘business end’ of the academic year! So, what resolutions are you making this New Year?!

Switch Off, Lock Up – Keeping Your Student Accommodation Safe This Christmas
Before you head home for Christmas make sure you switch off, unplug, and lock up to keep your student accommodation safe and secure for the holidays.

Uni Housemates – The Good, The Bad & The Annoying
As a leading provider of student accommodation in Loughborough, we’ve seen our fair share of ‘housemate’ drama. Choosing who to live with can, on the surface, seem like a pretty simple task but get it wrong and boy will you know about it!

5 Tips To Help You Nail Mother’s Day Without Breaking The Bank
Mother’s Day is just around the corner (Sunday 11th March), so here are a few little tips to help you win the favourite child award this year!