Student Houses

Out With the Halls – In With the House Share
Moving from campus to town is a natural progression that many students make after their fresher year, but for first time house sharers, there are a few things you should consider to help make the move from halls to shared housing as smooth as possible.

Making a ‘Home’ from Home at Uni – Things to Consider When Choosing Your Student Accommodation
Your student accommodation in Loughborough should feel like more than just a temporary crash pad while you complete your studies. It should be a home away from home, somewhere you can work (and play) comfortably and relax after a long day.

Choosing A Landlord…
Renting student accommodation can be a bit of a headache. Take the risk out of choosing your property by selecting a landlord that has been accredited through the Decent And Safe Homes Scheme (DASH).

A Useful Guide To Viewing Student Houses
By the end of this year, you should have your house sorted for your next academic year. This may seem like a big step, but don’t worry, we’ve got a guide of things to look for to help you chose the perfect student house for your second or third year at university.