Loughborough Freshers
So you are heading off to Loughborough University and are probably wondering what to expect. Freshers Week is the ultimate introduction to student life and is the perfect way to start your university journey. To help you prepare for everything that freshers will throw at you, we have put together this list of handy guides and articles to help you survive Freshers Week and make the most of the experience.
Loughborough Students' Union
A great place to start is Loughborough Students' Union's website which is full of news and exciting freshers events on its freshers page. In addition, be sure to join the LSU's Facebook group where you can meet new friends before heading off to Loughborough University. Once you have arrived in Loughborough, you will find the Loughborough Students' Union on Ashby Road, which is also the same street where our offices are located.
Once You Have Arrived
Once you have arrived at Loughborough University you (and your parents) might feel slightly overwhelmed. Thankfully, Loughborough University has a team of fresher helpers that will help you with moving into halls, finding your way around and generally helping you settle in. This is also a great chance to get some answers to any FAQs that you might have, as well as meeting some of the people that you will be living with over the next year.
Use Social Media
Everything from Loughborough University, the Students' Union and even Loughborough Freshers Week have their own social media pages that you should join. Not only is it a great way to meet other first years and make new friends, but it is also a great way to keep up to date on the variety of freshers’ events happening across Loughborough.
Loughborough Freshers Articles:

Out With the Halls – In With the House Share
Moving from campus to town is a natural progression that many students make after their fresher year, but for first time house sharers, there are a few things you should consider to help make the move from halls to shared housing as smooth as possible.

Livin’ It Lufbra: Growing Up 101
It goes without saying that your time at uni is half studying for a degree and half learning how to keep yourself alive on a daily basis! You may well already be a ‘grown up’ but there’s a difference between being fully grown and being an adult.

Making a ‘Home’ from Home at Uni – Things to Consider When Choosing Your Student Accommodation
Your student accommodation in Loughborough should feel like more than just a temporary crash pad while you complete your studies. It should be a home away from home, somewhere you can work (and play) comfortably and relax after a long day.

Livin’ It Lufbra Series: Settling Into Your Uni Routine
Our Student Living Blog Series: Livin’ It Lufbra is aimed at helping you get the most out of your uni experience, be that at work, play and everything in between!

Livin’ It Lufbra Series: Get Involved
To coincide with the start of the 2015/16 term we’re launching our Student Living Blog Series: Livin’ It Lufbra, helping you get involved and get the most out of your uni experience!

Deciding Who To Live With In Your Second Year
To avoid stress and heartache, when you are choosing who to live with at university it’s worth considering the following…

What To Take To University – A Helpful Checklist
So, you’re getting ready to leave for university and you’re panicking about what to take! Take a deep breath and read through our handy checklist; from bed sheets to memory sticks we’ll make sure you won’t forget a thing.

Money Saving Tips Every Student Needs!
Every student needs a helping hand every now and again, especially when it comes to money! Check out our top money saving tips to help you manage your money better now that you’re a student…