Loughborough Freshers
So you are heading off to Loughborough University and are probably wondering what to expect. Freshers Week is the ultimate introduction to student life and is the perfect way to start your university journey. To help you prepare for everything that freshers will throw at you, we have put together this list of handy guides and articles to help you survive Freshers Week and make the most of the experience.
Loughborough Students' Union
A great place to start is Loughborough Students' Union's website which is full of news and exciting freshers events on its freshers page. In addition, be sure to join the LSU's Facebook group where you can meet new friends before heading off to Loughborough University. Once you have arrived in Loughborough, you will find the Loughborough Students' Union on Ashby Road, which is also the same street where our offices are located.
Once You Have Arrived
Once you have arrived at Loughborough University you (and your parents) might feel slightly overwhelmed. Thankfully, Loughborough University has a team of fresher helpers that will help you with moving into halls, finding your way around and generally helping you settle in. This is also a great chance to get some answers to any FAQs that you might have, as well as meeting some of the people that you will be living with over the next year.
Use Social Media
Everything from Loughborough University, the Students' Union and even Loughborough Freshers Week have their own social media pages that you should join. Not only is it a great way to meet other first years and make new friends, but it is also a great way to keep up to date on the variety of freshers’ events happening across Loughborough.
Loughborough Freshers Articles:

Uni Housemates – The Good, The Bad & The Annoying
As a leading provider of student accommodation in Loughborough, we’ve seen our fair share of ‘housemate’ drama. Choosing who to live with can, on the surface, seem like a pretty simple task but get it wrong and boy will you know about it!

Should You Have Another Drink? [Flowchart]
“Should I have another drink?” This question has haunted people in bars and clubs for years, and students are no exception. Take a look at our helpful flowchart which will determine the answer to this age-old question (totally reliably, of course…)

Why Live in a Shared Student House in Loughborough?
There’s a bunch of different student housing options to consider after living in Halls — in this post, we’re going to explore why you should live in a shared student house while you’re at Loughborough Uni.

Living Off-Campus – What To Expect
Find out what to expect when you move out of halls and into your first proper house share at university.

Livin’ It Lufbra Series – Loughborough Refreshers, You Got This!
The first ‘Livin’ It Lufbra’ episode of the 2016/17 academic year is dedicated to all the returning Loughborough students out there. It might feel like ‘back to school’ but we reckon there’re more than a few advantages to being a ‘Loughborough Refresher’!

Loughborough Freshers Week 2016 – The Inside Scoop
With just one week to go until LSU Freshers 2016 kicks off, we’ve got the inside scoop to help you get ahead of the curve and suck the most out of the best two weeks of the uni year!

Student “Moving In” Essentials – What NOT To Forget When Packing For Uni
As a new university student, preparing for your first major move away from home can feel pretty daunting, but it doesn’t have to be.

4 Filling Meals To Make When The Cupboards Are Bare
Even if your fridge is completely bare, chances are you’ve still got a few sundries lining the cupboards which means you can probably make at least one of these 4 filling meals.

Who Ate My Cheese!? Dealing With Housemate Conflict At Uni
Arguments and housemate tifs are all part and parcel of learning to live with others, but how you handle these conflicts when they arise can be the difference between an enduring harmonious home or hell on earth!

Top Tips for Food Shopping on a Student Budget
When it comes to cutting back on your spending, your food shop isn’t really something that can be skipped or sacrificed—sorry, but we all gotta eat! But that doesn’t mean that your weekly budget should be blown on the food shop either. With a few little adjustments, some planning, and a bit of savvy shopping you could save yourself a packet on your grocery spend.