The Best Revision Tips

With the Christmas holiday over and the New Year underway, many students across the country will now begin their preparation for up and coming exams towards the end of the academic year! Worried that time is going to fly by and you won’t have done enough revision? Don’t panic, have a read through these very helpful revision tips and it will give you a better idea on how to prepare within the time frame you have.
1. Get on it in the AM – Research shows that you are more likely to do planned work if you start early, because as the day goes on people have a bigger urge to get out and about. So set your alarm, have an energy boosting breakfast and get revision done earlier!
2. Find a good working environment – The best places to revise are usually quiet, and with little distraction or interruption. For example, your room is somewhere you can close your door and get your head down for a good few hours. Or alternatively, make use of your university library!
3. Create a timetable – Research shows that 20-30 minute working spells work well as your concentration levels are higher. So create a timetable that maps out short frequent breaks. Also use the timetable to mix up your subjects.
4. Use a bit of colour – Colourful notes are easier to memorise than plan black and white ones. Different colours will help you learn facts and remember them more!
5. Make notes – Making notes is a great way to memorise a lot of information. It may be tedious making notes over and over again but successful students will make 2/3 sets of the same notes before an exam.
6. Be active – Exercise is very important during intense study time. Get out and about for at least a 30 minute walk or jog after a big revisions session. Increasing your heart rate with make blood circulate fast which will in turn ensure that your brain gets more oxygen!
7. Ask friends for help – Ask friends to test you on certain areas you may be struggling with. It’s a great way to revise, especially if they are studying the same subject!
If you find yourself struggling to get anywhere with your revision, take a deep breath and work on the about some of the above. Find what works best for you and stick with it!
Good Luck!
Andrew Chell can be contacted as follows:
Phone: 01509 552814
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Email: [email protected]
Office: 66 Ashby Road, Loughborough LE11 3AE
Published 13th January 2015