Keep Calm & Finish That Essay – Assignment Writing Tips

Assignment writing tips

Deadlines are looming, assignment writing stress is high, panic stations across campus are well and truly manned… I think an ‘Assignment Writing Stress Buster’ is in order…


So, Easter break is over and the final semester of the uni year has begun… Queue panic and cold sweats for the majority.

I’m sure you had the best intentions for your Easter break — you were going to catch up on your work, start your revision so you’re well prepared for May exams, and plan out all your assignments that had deadlines looming after the holiday…

But it didn’t happen (we were going to work over the Easter break too but… we got distracted).

The reality of the holidays is that we rarely get the ‘good’ things done that we said we would, and that’s normal. We’re human after all and we do deserve a break from time to time.

That said, you’re probably wishing you’d done SOMETHING over the Easter break to help yourself out!? But before you spiral into a panic, nose-diving your way into assignment writing despair, take a moment to consider our Assignment Writing Stress Buster.


Assignment Writing Stress Buster No.1 – Don’t Panic


Ok, so this one is easier said than done, but the more time you spend panicking about your assignment deadline, the less you’ll be able to focus and actually get things done.

Take a moment, if you need to, to get it out of your system (scream, throw something [preferably something soft], stamp your feet, whatever), and then focus your energy on actually doing something about it.


Assignment Writing Stress Buster No.2 – Plan


Plan out your assignment! (We mentioned this in terms of revisions in our blog ‘How to unlock your inner calm during exam season’ back in January).

Taking the time to plan what you want to write will really help you smash out that assignment. There are a tonne of different techniques that people use, from mind-mapping initial ideas to flow-charts that pin down the overall structure of the assignment before beginning the first draft.

Find what works for you and commit yourself to the plan. It really will save you a lot of stress during the actual writing phase.


Assignment Writing Stress Buster No.3 – Work in Chunks


Assignment Writing Stress Buster No.3 - Work in Chunks

Working in timed chunks is a technique that many professionals use to help them stay focused and on schedule.

Having a specific amount of time to work on one task, immediately followed by a set break period can be a really effective productivity tool and one that many people swear by.

There are a bunch of different timers out there that you can try — we like this one as it includes a customisable timer that you can tailor  to fit in with your own personal workflow needs.


Assignment Writing Stress Buster No.4 – Set Clear Targets


Set yourself clear, achievable targets for your chunks of work time.

If you’ve decided to work in 25-minute chunks, for example, make sure you know what you need to achieve during those 25 minutes, e.g. have my assignment mind-map outline completed.
Having clear, achievable targets is a powerful motivational tool and will help you stay focused and on track.


Assignment Writing Stress Buster No.5 – Do Something Fun


Assignment Writing Stress Buster No.5 - Do Something Fun

All work and no play make Jack a dull boy” goes the saying. When those break periods roll around, make sure you do something fun! Get up from your desk, walk away from your computer and DO SOMETHING.

You don’t have to go anywhere, but make sure you take a physical break AWAY from your computer screen. You could do some stretches, put on some music, go and make a cup of tea and have a cheeky biscuit… Whatever it is, make sure it doesn’t involve staying sat down!


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